SERIOUS and other important trivia…

Those of you who read this blog and they’re aren’t all that many, (but it’s QUALITY not quantity that counts right? 😉 ) understand that flippancy is my middle name. That my preference in writing posts is for tongue-in-cheek, self-mocking nonsense about chooks, dogs, coffee and Poppet, although anyone who is the parent of a teenager or remembers being a teenager, will appreciate that teenagers and in particular, teenage girls, are anything but trivial individuals. And indeed Precious Poppet is every bit an important and high-maintenance individual.

Autumn Perfection.

Poppet and Autumn Perfection.


S & M     D & M

Occasionally though, I do get a bit existential deep and meaningful and wax on about something weightier, more philosophical.  I’ve read a few insightful posts this past week or two on a variety of serious topics – too many to mention now, so please don’t be offended if I’ve commented on your post, but haven’t mentioned it here.

One on incivility in social media stands out: Let’s Talk Twitter and Trolls and Dinner Parties, shall we? Kat’s post looks at ‘trolling’ and general impoliteness on social media and urges us to engage in virtual discourse as one would do with face-to-face discourse, with good manners and decorum. This post made me think about life before social media and I got all contemplative. Of course, there was work, family commitments and writing a year ago, before I started writing a blog and twittering, and I was very busy but it was a different kind of busy. I didn’t jump with glee when I received notification of a comment or an email to inform me I had a new follower on Twitter. I was a rather simple creature in my non-virtual world. I didn’t squeal with girlish delight when my tweet was retweeted or avidly read a particularly warm and charming comment on my post. I was spared the pleasure, or pain…if my tweet disappeared unanswered into cyber space or my post languished comment-less. I wasn’t needy. I think I was a bit cooler.

Yet there’s so much good about social media – engaging with clever and interesting people everywhere – the sheer scope of talent and opinion is vast. They might not be real friends in the sense of those we meet up with regularly for coffee or brunch or dinner or just meet up. But real ones, nonetheless.


I read several brilliant posts written on ANZAC Day and its significance and one lingers:  ‘Reflections on the selflessness and sacrifice of some ordinary Australians…’ I’ve never before read anything more lyrically worded on war and its devastating implications than that of Wing Commander Sharon Bown. Simply beautiful words. Then there’s Majoring in Literature, an erudite blog that’s good value, reviewing books with a close understanding of the text, combining travel and history, interspersed with beautiful photos.

And there was Deb’s interesting post on idealised TV shows and life envy: ‘Why I won’t be watching Offspring.’ I seriously believe ‘life envy’ has increased exponentially since the advent of social media. There might have been perfect people with perfect lives around before but we didn’t know about them. We were spared their perfection.

Bad Behaviour and Girls’ Schools.

Jonah Takalua has a lot to answer for. I recall when Summer Heights High came out  a few years ago and Year 8 boys thought it was funny to draw dictation on the black/white board. They chanted “Puck you, Miss. JOKE Miss!” with monotonous regularity until I wanted to send them all back to Tonga, except they weren’t from Tonga. They were typical Aussie kids just trying to escape writing essays.

Image courtesy of:

Image courtesy of:

Jonah from Tonga is back. No wonder Pinky (that witty minx blogger I know) wants to work in a girls’ school. This post is HILARIOUS: ‘Why I want to work in an all girls’ school!‘  And you don’t need to be a teacher to appreciate it. (Apparently smiling – even the act of stretching your lips in a grinning expression whether you feel happy or not – releases feel-good endorphins that literally lift your spirits). I guarantee that after reading this post you’ll be giggling, very naturally. 😀


We bought Red, Snowy and Blacky as two day old chicks  all ostensibly GIRLS. Snowy and Blacky were feminine hens but Red was always a bit butch blokey. But hey we’re not discriminatory about gender in our family, feathers or no feathers. But when she he started crowing pre-dawn, a VOCIFEROUS TRILLING “COCK-A-DOODLE-DOOOO!” it was time to take Red back to the farm (we’re in the middle of suburbia!) I should’ve noticed before this, especially when she he was mounting cuddling the other hens in an unplatonic way. The Sexer had got it wrong. (Bizarre as it sounds, there is a profession/job entitled “Sexer”. They look at chicks’ private parts and deem them male or female…Sometimes Sexers get it wrong).


growing chickadees

They’re getting bigger and have moved to a larger pen, but I’ve observed an undesirable hen dynamic: Lasquisha – the biggest and bossiest – dominates. Unfortunately, the pecking-order is alive and flourishing in real life. Lasquisha keeps Cinnamon, Princess and Lacey under control. She pecks them on the head for no apparent reason except to show she’s the boss…a bit like the classroom/playground bully, really.

I'm boss!

I’m boss!

Who is big and bossy in your life? Or are you the boss? And I’m not being sizeist either, I mean big in the metaphorical sense…

Linking up today with Rhianna and Thankful Thursday which has made me focus on the things I am grateful for: I’m thankful that Lasquisha can’t boss me around (I just can’t avoid flippancy!) I’m thankful that Poppet is no longer being bullied. And I’m thankful for the dying splendour of Autumn leaves. Is there anything in your life that you’re thankful for?

Joining With Some Grace for FYBF

43 thoughts on “SERIOUS and other important trivia…

  1. Oh yes, I think taking the time to contemplate is very important. I always get inspired by other people’s blogs. There used to be a US blogger in particular who I found I was always referencing. I’d read her posts and never be able to comment right away as I’d need to think about stuff first. And then there’d be so much consideration that I’d need to write my own post about my response to hers.

    I’m trying to work out how I can cut down my online commitments. (Get rid of my barely-used Facebook pages, read less blogs etc?) but I must admit sometimes I find myself clicking on my Twitter or FB feed, or opening my blog reader and finding nothing new and feeling a tad despondent. (Of course this is the same person who got rid of Instagram cos of the life envy issue!)


    • I know what you mean, Deb. I follow some brilliant overseas blogs and sometimes it’s hard to synchronise comments, but they’re worth it, despite the time difference. 🙂

      I don’t have Facebook and have a Pinterest account (which I ignore) I find I don’t have the time (or organisational skills) to spread myself around so much… I literally can’t do more than blog, Twitter and LIFE! 😉

  2. I really enjoyed reading this post. I loved the picture of Poppet in the leaves. I can totally relate to the strange effect social media has on me now that I am a blogger. This morning I woke to FOUR new followers on Facebook, and oh how it made me jump out of bed with a smile ready to take on the day!

    • Hi Sarah, thanks for visiting. Isn’t it a bit pathetic that we get all excited about new followers?! But I must admit I do find lovely comments very endearing. 🙂

  3. I can’t wait to get chickens (I will till after winter and I’m back at home ). Thanks for the sex’er tip. My friends little ‘country town – but suburban size block’ stupid rooster has been cock a doodling the last hour and it’s driving me crazy.
    Thanks for the links too – I need a giggle.
    I love autumn leaves too Lee-Anne.

    • Thanks, Trish. I believe Autumn leaves are arguably as nice as Spring flowers!

      Good luck with the new chickens and don’t fall into my trap with Red…ensure you have a competent Sexer – you don’t want any of that “Cock-a-doodle-dooing” happening pre-dawn. 😉

      • A rooster pre-dawn wouldn’t bother me (as long as he keeps the girls happy – because I’m deaf without my hearing aid on ) but hubby wouldn’t be pleased.
        I’m loving the autumn leaves in Orange.

  4. Hi Lee-Anne – thank you so much for referencing my post and I’m in such great company!
    This is a lovely post – isn’t it so nice to be able to voice our thanks, and I’m mostly happy that poppet isn’t getting a hard time anymore. PLUS that photo is gorgeous x

  5. One thing I’m thankful for are some of the lovely people I’ve met on social media… lovely people like you Lee-Anne. Thank you for including my post. Poppet is gorgeously exquisite! Lasquisha sounds like the name of Smouse’s girlfriend from one of Chris Lilley’s other series. Exotic names you’ve chosen there for your chickens but I should have guessed that’s how you would roll. Imagine writing “Sexer” on your resume! That might need some explaining.
    I’m not bossy at all, in fact everyone at work bosses me around but I don’t mind because I get out of having to do a lot of thinking that way. My daughter, on the other hand, is EXTREMELY bossy being a Leo and all. She’s always telling me what I ‘need’ to do.

    • I concur, Pinky. Without social media, I wouldn’t be having such hilarious exchanges about girls’ schools and erotic fiction and other diverting topics! Poppet named Lasquisha (I’d never heard of such a ridiculous name but it sort of suits her 😉

      Perhaps having ‘Sexer’ on our resumes might rule out all future work as teachers…I wonder if there’s a course for that at TAFE? 😉

      • I was very worried when I wrote the post I’d put the apostrophe in the wrong place or that it didn’t need one. There was much debate between Scotto and myself and we agreed it should def be All Girls’ School… What do you think? Also, I know I should have written that Poppet was ‘exquisitely gorgeous’ not ‘gorgeously exquisite’ but that’s how I roll 🙂

      • Haha…you’re a pedant like moi, Pinky! As girls is plural, the apostrophe goes after the ‘s’ – as you’ve done, but I’ve noticed that no schools’ titles even bother putting them in anymore. #philistines 😉

        I much prefer ‘gorgeously exquisite’ – so original. xx

  6. Thanks for linking to my post re Sharon Bird’s speech. She blew our whole family away at the Dawn Service.
    I am currently very thankful for wonderful, helpful friends, music and daughters who are buoyant and chirpy.
    Good news about Poppet!!

  7. Thanks so much for the mention, Lee-Anne! I’m still blushing. 🙂 You’re definitely right; since I started blogging I’ve constantly been amazed by the talented people who are contributing to our daily reading, thinking, and communicating. Even though I sometimes try to remember what life was like before the internet, remembering how many awesome people are out there (including you!) make me really happy it’s here for us to engage with. 🙂

    • Oh good luck with the Sexer! It’s obviously a very delicate and complicated business…and you don’t want to end up with any nasty (and noisy) surprises at dawn! 😉

    • Hi Lydia, no money back but Red was a handsome rooster and they gave us two young, brown hens -Thelma and Selma – good layers and better still, no crowing at dawn! 😉

  8. I loved Deb’s post about Offspring. Life envy and social media is a fascinating mixture. I know I’m prone to suffering from life envy especially after spending way too much time scrolling on my FB news feed!

  9. I often find with social media, it can be very easy to compare your everyday life with someone elses highlight reels – and pondering on it too much can leave one feeling… inadequate? We ALL have our hard times and Wonderful times. Social media can sometimes make it a little more difficult to keep things in perspective.

    I try to connect myself with people openly expressing the good and the bad bits, and I try to be transparent myself, though admittedly, there are some things deeply personal that I don’t feel appropriate to be shared.

    I have a general rule when participating in an online forum – if I am not prepared to say it to the face of a person, outside of the internet, then I don’t say it.

    Great post!


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